Extended Police Dog Training 12. – 14.05.2023 in Oldenburg (GER)

Extended Police Dog Training 12. – 14.05.2023 in Oldenburg with Björn Wunder – Burli-K9
2 free spots for members of authorities under 30 years.
Workshop Eric Lapointe on April 29th at Club Canin Allenjoie (FR)

Workshop Eric Lapointe on April 29th at Club Canin Allenjoie (FR).
IGP Youngstars: 2 free Spots without dog.
Protection Workshop 18.-20.05.2023 in Laußnitz (GER)

Protection Workshop with Carsten Fuchs 18.05.-20.05.2023 in Laußnitz
Youngstars: 2 spots with dog for free
Basisseminar Schutzdienst 16.-18.06.2023 Jüterbog

Kostenlos für Jugendliche! Schutzdienst Basisseminar mit Sina Bosch und Oli Knospe