In the interview, Tayfun talks about his first experiences with dogs, how he became fascinated with dog sports and how he became a sponsor of K9-and-Sports through the support of the dog sports community. He also gives us insights into his views on the Doberman's strong nerves. He shares his vision for the future of dog sports and why it is important to him to preserve and pass on this tradition. His commitment shows that he strives not only professionally but also personally to create lasting connections - be it between people and brands or between people and dogs.
K9andSports: Can you introduce yourself briefly?
My name is Tayfun Ledin, I was born on February 16, 1986 in Ingolstadt. I am a second-generation entrepreneur and I run the family business with great passion. In my private life, I am married and the proud father of two children.
K9andSports: Can you give us a brief insight into your company? What exactly does your company do?
Ich führe die Ledin Print & Mediacenter GmbH, ein Familienunternehmen, das seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 1994 erfolgreich in der Druck- und Werbetechnikbranche tätig ist. Wir bieten unseren Kunden ein umfassendes Leistungsspektrum – von Werbetechnik und Lichtreklame über Digitaldruck bis hin zu Offsetdruck. Unser Motto lautet „alles aus einer Hand,“ denn wir legen großen Wert darauf, unseren Kunden den gesamten Prozess, von der Idee bis zum fertigen Produkt, nahtlos anzubieten. Mittlerweile beschäftigen wir über 70 Mitarbeiter, die mit ihrem Fachwissen und ihrer Erfahrung maßgeblich zu unserem Erfolg beitragen. Mit mehr als 30 Jahren am Markt haben wir uns als zuverlässiger Partner für Unternehmen und Marken etabliert.
K9andSports: What was your first experience with dogs and how did that influence your interest in dog sports?
Even as a child, I was always surrounded by dogs. Our parents had shepherd dogs in their house. They weren't classic working dogs, but they still had a strong personality and weren't always easy to train. These early experiences gave me a close connection to dogs.
In August last year we welcomed our Doberman male Kobe into the family. He is my first working dog and with him I have the opportunity to get even more involved in dog sports.
K9andSports: Dobermans often have the reputation of not having the best nerves these days. How do you experience this with your male dog Kobe, and what have you noticed in particular in this regard in the first 17 months with him?
Kobe has very strong nerves in everyday life, which is certainly partly due to genetics, but above all to intensive socialization from the beginning. He has been used to children's noise and everyday office life since he was a puppy and handles such stimuli with ease. It was important to me to always give him enough time to process new situations at his own pace without overwhelming him. Especially with two children - my daughter is 5, my son 10 - it is crucial that a dog in the family is stable and has strong nerves. Children often show their emotions more intensely, which can be unexpected for dogs. That's why it was always my top priority that Kobe is stable in this respect. Early training, especially in obedience and protection work, as well as good exercise help to ensure that Kobe remains balanced in everyday life. He can easily spend the whole day with me in the office without causing stress. Unfortunately, I often see insecurities and nervousness in other Dobermans, mostly due to a lack of exercise and socialization. Many owners buy the dogs for aesthetic reasons without being aware of their needs. A Doberman needs not only training, but above all comprehensive socialization in order to be a well-balanced companion - that is the most important thing for me.
K9andSports: How did you get in touch with K9-and-Sports and what motivated you to support us?
My fascination for dog sports initially led me to IQ Dogsport, where I was warmly welcomed as a newcomer and given active support. I was particularly impressed by the solidarity in the dog sports community - the exchange between owners and the mutual support. This is how I became aware of K9-and-Sports.
A campaign on Instagram against the ban on dog sports in Austria sparked my interest in the organization. As a staunch supporter of dog sports, who sees them as an important tool for the well-being and species-appropriate care of working dogs, I wanted to give something back to the community. That's why I decided to support K9-and-Sports as a sponsor. I look forward to making my contribution and supporting the organization in its commitment.
K9andSports: How do you see the development of dog sports in the next few years?
The development of dog sports in the coming years will depend largely on the cohesion of the community. In view of the increasing challenges, such as the attempted ban in Austria, it is becoming increasingly important to create a strong and united community.
Promoting youth work is particularly important in order to inspire and integrate the next generation into dog sports. Organizations such as K9-and-Sports play a central role in strengthening dog sports on a global level. Only through a strong, well-connected community will it be possible to maintain and develop dog sports in the long term.
K9andSports: Is there a long-term goal or vision that you want to achieve with your involvement in dog sports?
My goal is to make a meaningful contribution to dog sports through my sponsorship and to help where support is needed. I am convinced that the continued existence of dog sports can only be ensured through joint action. This sport has a long and important tradition, especially in Germany. At a time when many values and traditions are being lost, it is important to me to preserve and continue to promote dog sports. Only through joint commitment can we ensure that future generations can also experience this special bond between humans and dogs.