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News & Updates!

September 2024
Arbeitsgruppe Richterwesen

Im September fand die erste Arbeitsgruppe zum Thema Optimierung des Richterwesens statt. Teilgenommen haben Klaus-Jürgen Glüh, Daniele Strazzeri, Horst-Dieter Träger, Meik Greub und David Buss.

30. Mai 2024
DMC Championat

Das DMC Championat fand vom 30. Mai bis 2. Juni in Petersaurach erfolgreich statt und wurde von den K9andSports Botschaftern Katja und Daniel Stüwe sowie ihrem Team organisiert.

30. April 2024
Highlights of the last K9andSports call


  1. Ambassador Georg Sticha is now working in an advisory role in Austria.


  1. At the FCI FH World Cup, extensive film footage was made by NDR, while Ambassador Christa Bremer was present and accompanied her. She is in contact with Stüwes regarding possible filming at the DMC Championships.


  1. We are observing changes in communication in the area of ​​working dog sports in Germany. Roswitha Dannenberg, Daniele Strazzeri, Horst-Dieter Träger and many others have done an excellent job reporting extensively on the topic in SV. Reports in the ADRK and RZV will follow next month.


  1. The working group led by the ambassador and veterinarian Simon Bach initiated initial discussions with potential doctoral students. There is great interest in collaboration between scientists and breed associations.


We consider the following topics:

  • How does the active keeping of working and sport dogs affect their overall health compared to pets?
  • The evaluation of biting statistics in Germany in connection with sporting dogs.


It was discussed how financial resources could be obtained to support the relevant doctoral students. It is suggested that the breed associations should also be involved in this matter. We hope that such initiatives can also be started in other countries and interested students can be found who want to work with us. In addition, we strive for collaborations with universities, laboratories and other interest groups. Currently, other support is only possible to a limited extent.


  1. Ambassadors Katja and Daniel Stüwe and their team are working intensively to make the DMC Championship attractive for the public and young people. The event includes demonstrations by rescue teams and the military, a cocktail bar, a raffle, a party and a children's dance group. The Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder will also be present. Entry is free, including a party night. Additionally, there are special children's events and a bouncy castle to attract spectators. Young people can take part in a special test, and K9andSports will have its own stand, supported by youth ambassador Vivienne Bauer.


  1. A conversation with Robert Markschläger (Head of the FCI Working Group for Working Dogs / FCI Working Dog Commission) is available at his request to discuss the collaboration between FCI and K9andSports.


  1. A new draft of the statutes is being coordinated, which is intended to attract supporting memberships for K9andSports in order to increase our financial resources. In this context, potential sponsors are also being sought.


  1. There is also a helper camp for the 24th/25th. August or August 31st/1st September planned.


  1. Another important topic was the 2nd breeding meeting, in which public authorities, breeding clubs and working dog organizations are to take part.
23. November 2023
Erster öffentlicher K9andSports Call

Thank you to everyone who took part in the first public K9andSports call yesterday! This call was in German; an English one will follow soon. Together we showed you what our goals are, how we work and what we have already achieved. Christa BremerVice President of the German Kennel Club Roswitha Dannenberg,President of the SV, Daniele Strazzeri,Vicepresident of SV, Mia Skogster,, Horst-Dieter Träger,, Jogi Zank,, Kevin Kröber (Military),our new Youngstar ambassador, Vivienne Bauer and many more: You can find a recording on

Youtube: https://youtu.be/MO1rGQxvKRo?si=r2PXH_XOJvann4K3


November 22, 2023
K9andSports Austria

Since a few days we are cooperating with an independent registered association K9andSports Austria. K9andSports has been trying to support in the Austrian cause wherever possible. Always keeping in mind that we need to stick to the facts, stay polite - even if its not always easy if you are brave enough to read parts of the Austrian press and posts in Social Media. Our Ambassadors rallied to get us valid and informative statements all of which you can read under "arguments - quotes" as well as in our posts on Facebook and Instagram. Today, K9andSports handed in a statement to the Austrian Parliament covering the reasons why IGP dogsport is a "must" for society, K9 programs as well as the breeding of working dogs. We are keeping our fingers crossed that political decisions will be taken on an informed basis. In the meantime, lets go out there and explain and show the world that our dogs are neither dangerous nor unnaturally aggressive and keep it with our ambassador and SV President Roswitha Dannenberg: "the fact that our sport is being attacked, shows us more than ever that we need to explain and inform!" 

21. Oct. 2023
Ennepetal NRW
Working Together for the Healthy Working Dog

The first event to which K9andSports invited representatives from all working dog breed clubs and sports clubs, the VDH, and representatives from authorities such as customs, police, and the military. Together, we worked to determine the qualities that a working dog should still possess today and how to assess them. The discussions were always conducted on an equal footing, with all parties actively contributing. Dr. Esther Schalke's scientific background added an especially interesting dimension to the conversation. In practice, dogs of different breeds were tested and discussed. A highlight for many was the participation of athletes and representatives from the military in the training exercises. A detailed report will follow soon. We are convinced that this collaboration across boundaries is a new milestone for working dogs. 

17. Sep. 2023
Federal winner's test Meppen
K9andSports@BSP Meppen

The German Nationals (BSP) are especially exciting for us, as K9andSports ambassadors Luca Strässer, Jogi Zank, and Björn Gießen have successfully participated. Horst-Dieter Träger and Linda Kies had great conversations with SV President Roswitha Dannenberg and SV Vice President Daniele Strazzeri. 

01. Sep. 2023
K9andSports working group and authorities
Event: “for the healthy and operational working dog”

The Cooperation Authorities working group, led by SV performance judges Horst-Dieterträger and Ralf Meins, works hard. The first K9andSports breeding event will take place on October 21, 2023 on a site in Ennepetal. Representatives of the authorities and K9andSports ambassadors will take part. All breed breeding and sports clubs that are part of the VDH were invited. The aim will be to find a consensus on the characteristics that the working dog should have and a possibility of breeding-relevant testing. 

01. Aug. 2023
Cooperation with authorities is entering the next round

What is worth waiting for!

Official feedback from the authorities that they want to work with K9andSports, to promote the exchange between breed clubs, sports associations and the service.

16. May. 2023
K9andSports presents to the German Working Group of K9 program administrators

We founded K9andSports in March of this year.

It is one of our priorities to cooperate and share knowledge with the service dog keeping authorities, including police, customs and military.

On May 16, we had the great honor to introduce our initiative at the Working Group of K9 program administrators, a regular event held by the federal and state governments.
This Working Group with representatives from all 16 federal states consists of the heads of the service dog schools and a representative from the ministry. In addition, representatives from the military, customs and the Federal Police are present.
We are more than excited about the great discussions we already had. We discussed in particular breeding selection tests, the role of dogsport as a selection tool for today's service dogs and ways how to improve this system as well as cooperate.

We are sincerely convinced that such cooperation will serve both K9 program administrators as well as the sport and before all, the working dog breeds.

11. Apr. 2023
Youngstars Camp in Sweden

After the Youngstars Camp 2022 in Germany had such a great success, now one is coming in Sweden. Patrick Aaronson was able to find helpers, judges and trainers to volunteer. All participants under the age of 25 take part free of charge. 

10. Apr. 2023
K9andSports Finland

Mia Skogster initiates meetings of Malinois breeders to create K9andSports Finland ry. In addition to promoting youngsters, the aim is to develop a breeding test in cooperation with the service dog school of the Finnish police. 

08. Apr. 2023
Authorities cooperation

Together with service dog handlers from the police, military, customs and rescue dog organisations, we analyze what dogs need to bring with them in order to be operational. The goal is to create a catalogue, which must be part of a breeding review. The DMC licensing regulations will be the first to be adjusted according to the results. What do we want to achieve with it? That dogs go into breeding that are suitable for sport and service. And that the authorities can gain insights from the review that are specifically relevant to them. To make it clearer, a few examples that need to be checked more extensively in the future: nose work, environmental safety (e.g. undergrounds, working in the dark). 

16. Mar. 2023
Public Relations

Last Tuesday the group "Promotion of young people" met. We took stock on the one hand and made a lot of great plans on the other!!! We made a start with the free seminar places for our Joung-Stars - now it goes into the next round. Our next goal is to inspire new people for our great sport and to infect them with the fascination of working dog sports. The Young-Star project will of course remain and will be further developed.
We are confident - let us surprise you 💪🏻

16. Mar. 2023
Cooperation with authorities that keep service dogs

We want sport and service to come together again, as in the past, as far as breeding is concerned. To this end, we have started talks in many countries. In a working group we are working on catalogs which properties are important for the various authorities: police, military, customs and also in rescue dog work. What the goal is: we want to align the breeding selection in such a way that these traits are also tested, as far as they can be inherited. Various breed clubs are already involved here. 

14. Mar. 2023
Youth promotion

Youth work has picked up speed. We get so many free seminar places that we have to organize how we can publish them in a meaningful way. Jany Böhm opens an online mentoring program for young helpers. And the topics are expanding: now we not only cover IGP, but also have the first Mondio seminar on offer. Seminars on search dogs, mental training and soon physio. We are pleased how many clubs want to support young people and how many trainers are active. The nicest thing is that all places are always taken immediately. 

14. Mar. 2023
2nd Ambassador Meeting

On March 14, ambassadors from many countries met for 2 hours in the second online meeting to discuss how to proceed with the "K9 and Sports" initiative and to present the first results from the working groups. 

19. Feb. 2023
Youth promotion is ongoing

The first young people have already been able to take part in seminars held by our ambassadors: among others with Connie and Peter Scherk, Bernd Föry, Sina Bosch & Oli Knospe. You can find out more about this on our Instagram and Facebook accounts.

02. Feb. 2023
Free seminar places for young stars

We have already been able to organize several seminar places for our young stars (<25 years). 

You can find more information under the category "Youngstars"

Always up to date?! Follow us on Insta and Facebook! (Links to Insta and Facebook in the footer)

30. Jan. 2023
First Ambassador Meeting

Last Sunday, our ambassadors met for a 2hour online meeting to discuss how to move forward with K9-and-Sports.
Christa Bremer, Vice-President of our German Kennel Club and Ambassador, had wonderful and motivating words to us: “… We all together should find a way that politicians and people outside of working-dog-sport learn that the sport is not only one of several existing sports, but a requirement (Anm. for society)!”
The goal of the meeting was to decide on working groups and assign valuable members.
They will work on the following topics starting now.


Each Working Group will present their progress in the next meeting of all ambassadors in three weeks.
We are coming together and organizing ourselves. It is quite a task to bring together administrators and the sport world, it is quite a task to find the right people to drive things like scientific studies, public relations measures that actually reach the public and not just dogsport fans ..
But we will do everything to move ahead. Help us by growing the community and collect signatures from your dogsport friends!

#DoghandlersUnited #OneVoice4Workingdogs

28. Jan. 2023
Instagram & Facebook

We have both an Insta- and a Facebook Account for K9&Sports ow! Follow us and stay updated!

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/k9andsports/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/K9andsports/

26. Jan. 2023
1. Meeting mit allen Botschaftern

On Sunday, January 29, we will meet with all ambassadors to agree on working groups. 

We will keep you posted how it went!

20. Jan. 2023
Update after 6 day online

You are incredible - we are heading for the number of 5000 signatures 💪🏻 - for this 1000 thanks!!!

The list of ambassadors is also getting longer and longer and every day we are able to recruit further valuable members from many nations and different areas of responsibility.

Currently we are working on a concrete plan how we can concretize our goals and to achieve them. We want to establish working groups that can exchange ideas on the respective topics or promote our cause in their own countries.

We will put all our heart and soul into presenting the sport of working dogs with its different areas in society in a positive way and putting it in the right light!!!

Together we are strong! We had you up to date!

16. May. 2023
Besuch: Arbeitskreis diensthaltende Behörden

We founded K9andSports in March of this year.

It is one of our priorities to cooperate and share knowledge with the service dog keeping authorities, including police, customs and military.

On May 16, we had the great honor to introduce our initiative at the Working Group of K9 program administrators, a regular event held by the federal and state governments.
This Working Group with representatives from all 16 federal states consists of the heads of the service dog schools and a representative from the ministry. In addition, representatives from the military, customs and the Federal Police are present.
We are more than excited about the great discussions we already had. We discussed in particular breeding selection tests, the role of dogsport as a selection tool for today's service dogs and ways how to improve this system as well as cooperate.

We are sincerely convinced that such cooperation will serve both K9 program administrators as well as the sport and before all, the working dog breeds.

11. Apr. 2023
Youngstars Camp in Sweden

After the Youngstars Camp 2022 in Germany had such a great success, now one is coming in Sweden. Patrick Aaronson was able to find helpers, judges and trainers to volunteer. All participants under the age of 25 take part free of charge. 

10. Apr. 2023
K9andSports Finland

Mia Skogster initiates meetings of Malinois breeders to create K9andSports Finland ry. In addition to promoting youngsters, the aim is to develop a breeding test in cooperation with the service dog school of the Finnish police. 

08. Apr. 2023
Authorities cooperation

Together with service dog handlers from the police, military, customs and rescue dog organisations, we analyze what dogs need to bring with them in order to be operational. The goal is to create a catalogue, which must be part of a breeding review. The DMC licensing regulations will be the first to be adjusted according to the results. What do we want to achieve with it? That dogs go into breeding that are suitable for sport and service. And that the authorities can gain insights from the review that are specifically relevant to them. To make it clearer, a few examples that need to be checked more extensively in the future: nose work, environmental safety (e.g. undergrounds, working in the dark). 

16. Mar. 2023
Public Relations

Last Tuesday the group "Promotion of young people" met. We took stock on the one hand and made a lot of great plans on the other!!! We made a start with the free seminar places for our Joung-Stars - now it goes into the next round. Our next goal is to inspire new people for our great sport and to infect them with the fascination of working dog sports. The Young-Star project will of course remain and will be further developed.
We are confident - let us surprise you 💪🏻

16. Mar. 2023
Cooperation with authorities that keep service dogs

We want sport and service to come together again, as in the past, as far as breeding is concerned. To this end, we have started talks in many countries. In a working group we are working on catalogs which properties are important for the various authorities: police, military, customs and also in rescue dog work. What the goal is: we want to align the breeding selection in such a way that these traits are also tested, as far as they can be inherited. Various breed clubs are already involved here. 

14. Mar. 2023
Youth promotion

Youth work has picked up speed. We get so many free seminar places that we have to organize how we can publish them in a meaningful way. Jany Böhm opens an online mentoring program for young helpers. And the topics are expanding: now we not only cover IGP, but also have the first Mondio seminar on offer. Seminars on search dogs, mental training and soon physio. We are pleased how many clubs want to support young people and how many trainers are active. The nicest thing is that all places are always taken immediately. 

14. Mar. 2023
2nd Ambassador Meeting

On March 14, ambassadors from many countries met for 2 hours in the second online meeting to discuss how to proceed with the "K9 and Sports" initiative and to present the first results from the working groups. 

19. Feb. 2023
Youth promotion is ongoing

The first young people have already been able to take part in seminars held by our ambassadors: among others with Connie and Peter Scherk, Bernd Föry, Sina Bosch & Oli Knospe. You can find out more about this on our Instagram and Facebook accounts.

02. Feb. 2023
Free seminar places for young stars

We have already been able to organize several seminar places for our young stars (<25 years). 

You can find more information under the category "Youngstars"

Always up to date?! Follow us on Insta and Facebook! (Links to Insta and Facebook in the footer)

30. Jan. 2023
First Ambassador Meeting

Last Sunday, our ambassadors met for a 2hour online meeting to discuss how to move forward with K9-and-Sports.
Christa Bremer, Vice-President of our German Kennel Club and Ambassador, had wonderful and motivating words to us: “… We all together should find a way that politicians and people outside of working-dog-sport learn that the sport is not only one of several existing sports, but a requirement (Anm. for society)!”
The goal of the meeting was to decide on working groups and assign valuable members.
They will work on the following topics starting now.


Each Working Group will present their progress in the next meeting of all ambassadors in three weeks.
We are coming together and organizing ourselves. It is quite a task to bring together administrators and the sport world, it is quite a task to find the right people to drive things like scientific studies, public relations measures that actually reach the public and not just dogsport fans ..
But we will do everything to move ahead. Help us by growing the community and collect signatures from your dogsport friends!

#DoghandlersUnited #OneVoice4Workingdogs

28. Jan. 2023
Instagram & Facebook

We have both an Insta- and a Facebook Account for K9&Sports ow! Follow us and stay updated!

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/k9andsports/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/K9andsports/

26. Jan. 2023
1. Meeting mit allen Botschaftern

On Sunday, January 29, we will meet with all ambassadors to agree on working groups. 

We will keep you posted how it went!

20. Jan. 2023
Update after 6 day online

You are incredible - we are heading for the number of 5000 signatures 💪🏻 - for this 1000 thanks!!!

The list of ambassadors is also getting longer and longer and every day we are able to recruit further valuable members from many nations and different areas of responsibility.

Currently we are working on a concrete plan how we can concretize our goals and to achieve them. We want to establish working groups that can exchange ideas on the respective topics or promote our cause in their own countries.

We will put all our heart and soul into presenting the sport of working dogs with its different areas in society in a positive way and putting it in the right light!!!

Together we are strong! We had you up to date!

14. Mar. 2023
2nd Ambassador Meeting

On March 14, ambassadors from many countries met for 2 hours in the second online meeting to discuss how to proceed with the "K9 and Sports" initiative and to present the first results from the working groups. 

19. Feb. 2023
Youth promotion is ongoing

The first young people have already been able to take part in seminars held by our ambassadors: among others with Connie and Peter Scherk, Bernd Föry, Sina Bosch & Oli Knospe. You can find out more about this on our Instagram and Facebook accounts.

02. Feb. 2023
Free seminar places for young stars

We have already been able to organize several seminar places for our young stars (<25 years). 

You can find more information under the category "Youngstars"

Always up to date?! Follow us on Insta and Facebook! (Links to Insta and Facebook in the footer)

30. Jan. 2023
First Ambassador Meeting

Last Sunday, our ambassadors met for a 2hour online meeting to discuss how to move forward with K9-and-Sports.
Christa Bremer, Vice-President of our German Kennel Club and Ambassador, had wonderful and motivating words to us: “… We all together should find a way that politicians and people outside of working-dog-sport learn that the sport is not only one of several existing sports, but a requirement (Anm. for society)!”
The goal of the meeting was to decide on working groups and assign valuable members.
They will work on the following topics starting now.


Each Working Group will present their progress in the next meeting of all ambassadors in three weeks.
We are coming together and organizing ourselves. It is quite a task to bring together administrators and the sport world, it is quite a task to find the right people to drive things like scientific studies, public relations measures that actually reach the public and not just dogsport fans ..
But we will do everything to move ahead. Help us by growing the community and collect signatures from your dogsport friends!

#DoghandlersUnited #OneVoice4Workingdogs

28. Jan. 2023
Instagram & Facebook

We have both an Insta- and a Facebook Account for K9&Sports ow! Follow us and stay updated!

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/k9andsports/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/K9andsports/

26. Jan. 2023
1. Meeting mit allen Botschaftern

On Sunday, January 29, we will meet with all ambassadors to agree on working groups. 

We will keep you posted how it went!

20. Jan. 2023
Update after 6 day online

You are incredible - we are heading for the number of 5000 signatures 💪🏻 - for this 1000 thanks!!!

The list of ambassadors is also getting longer and longer and every day we are able to recruit further valuable members from many nations and different areas of responsibility.

Currently we are working on a concrete plan how we can concretize our goals and to achieve them. We want to establish working groups that can exchange ideas on the respective topics or promote our cause in their own countries.

We will put all our heart and soul into presenting the sport of working dogs with its different areas in society in a positive way and putting it in the right light!!!

Together we are strong! We had you up to date!

14. Mar. 2023
2nd Ambassador Meeting

On March 14, ambassadors from many countries met for 2 hours in the second online meeting to discuss how to proceed with the "K9 and Sports" initiative and to present the first results from the working groups. 

19. Feb. 2023
Youth promotion is ongoing

The first young people have already been able to take part in seminars held by our ambassadors: among others with Connie and Peter Scherk, Bernd Föry, Sina Bosch & Oli Knospe. You can find out more about this on our Instagram and Facebook accounts.

02. Feb. 2023
Free seminar places for young stars

We have already been able to organize several seminar places for our young stars (<25 years). 

You can find more information under the category "Youngstars"

Always up to date?! Follow us on Insta and Facebook! (Links to Insta and Facebook in the footer)

30. Jan. 2023
First Ambassador Meeting

Last Sunday, our ambassadors met for a 2hour online meeting to discuss how to move forward with K9-and-Sports.
Christa Bremer, Vice-President of our German Kennel Club and Ambassador, had wonderful and motivating words to us: “… We all together should find a way that politicians and people outside of working-dog-sport learn that the sport is not only one of several existing sports, but a requirement (Anm. for society)!”
The goal of the meeting was to decide on working groups and assign valuable members.
They will work on the following topics starting now.


Each Working Group will present their progress in the next meeting of all ambassadors in three weeks.
We are coming together and organizing ourselves. It is quite a task to bring together administrators and the sport world, it is quite a task to find the right people to drive things like scientific studies, public relations measures that actually reach the public and not just dogsport fans ..
But we will do everything to move ahead. Help us by growing the community and collect signatures from your dogsport friends!

#DoghandlersUnited #OneVoice4Workingdogs

28. Jan. 2023
Instagram & Facebook

We have both an Insta- and a Facebook Account for K9&Sports ow! Follow us and stay updated!

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/k9andsports/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/K9andsports/

26. Jan. 2023
1. Meeting mit allen Botschaftern

On Sunday, January 29, we will meet with all ambassadors to agree on working groups. 

We will keep you posted how it went!

20. Jan. 2023
Update after 6 day online

You are incredible - we are heading for the number of 5000 signatures 💪🏻 - for this 1000 thanks!!!

The list of ambassadors is also getting longer and longer and every day we are able to recruit further valuable members from many nations and different areas of responsibility.

Currently we are working on a concrete plan how we can concretize our goals and to achieve them. We want to establish working groups that can exchange ideas on the respective topics or promote our cause in their own countries.

We will put all our heart and soul into presenting the sport of working dogs with its different areas in society in a positive way and putting it in the right light!!!

Together we are strong! We had you up to date!
