
Fiete's special journey: therapy and sports dog - a success story

In the following article, Fanny, Fiete's owner, will tell you about the impressive connection between man and dog as well as Fiete's remarkable abilities both as a therapy dog ​​and in the demanding IGP sport and make it clear that both aspects are by no means mutually exclusive.

Fiete – not just a name, but a special project. Since August 2023, our Belgian Shepherd Dog, a Malinois, has been accompanying us on a unique journey. As a Malinois newbie, I discovered the breed in a roundabout way, inspired by stories from an osteopath who spoke about a couple of breeders named Jürgen and Michaela Meier from our area. After we had intensively studied the characteristics and nature of the Belgian Shepherd Dog, we quickly decided: If a dog, then a Belgian. Fiete even accompanies us during therapy.

We quickly made an appointment with the breeder couple (Zwinger Malinois vom Möhrendorfer Wasserrad). In addition to our questions, Jürgen and Michaela also had their own. One question in particular stuck: whether we planned to exercise with our dog, and if so, what kind? It was important to us that our dog could meet his genetic needs. Even though we were newbies, especially in dog sports
(especially IGP), our goal was to train our dog as a therapy dog ​​and use it accordingly. I work professionally with people with various impairments, which raised the question: therapy versus IGP or both? Our breeders were clearly in favor of ‘both’ and I wanted to take on the challenge.

At the beginning of August 2023, Fiete moved in with us and I quickly recognized the challenges, especially in relation to his socialization for therapy. We visited various locations to get him used to different environments, stimuli and equipment. From mid-September we began taking the first steps in animal-assisted therapy on a voluntary basis at a support center for people with disabilities. Our units are designed in a varied manner, adapted to the needs of the clients. Fiete reacts positively and is already showing great potential. I plan to continue training as a therapy dog ​​after the companion dog test in September 2024. Despite everyday challenges, such as running children, cyclists or sometimes another dog - Fiete shows his talent and commitment in the facility every day, which inspires me and the people there.

Our breeders attached great importance to ensuring that our dog was also able to exercise. We were faced with the choice between agility, mantrailing or IGP. After studying the various sports in detail and having numerous discussions with experts, we decided on IGP with its disciplines of obedience, protection and tracking. Since then, six months after our puppy moved in with us, we have never been disappointed. Our goal has always been to promote and challenge our Mali in a species-appropriate and breed-typical manner, with enthusiasm. Fiete shows immense joy in every training session and is proud to bring his ‘prey’ home. After six months as an IGP newcomer and numerous further training courses, I am convinced that the decision to go with IGP was the right one and that I would make it again at any time. One tip we received was to establish a ritual, such as putting on a special collar or harness, that Fiete can associate with sport or therapy. The different environments, be it the dog sports field or the therapy room, also play an important role. Despite the differences in the environments and activities between the dog sports area and the therapy room, we enjoy both sides equally. Fiete's play instinct is lived out on the court in a duel with the helper, while he interacts calmly and sensitively with the clients in the therapy room. The dog's ability to differentiate between situations always impresses me and makes our joint activities a complete success.

After the intensive first six months, I can say with conviction: Yes, the combination of therapy and IGP is definitely possible. Although it requires a lot of commitment and sensitivity to take into account the dog's different needs, the intelligence and willingness to work of the Malinois make it possible and, for me, a great combination. I would make this decision again at any time. Finally, I would like to thank our breeders Jürgen and Michaela Meyer from the ‘Malinois vom Möhrendorfer Wasserrad’ kennel and our trainer Bianca Schneider from the ‘Occultatum Libera’ kennel. Without you and your valuable advice and your commitment to the breed, the IGP sport and our project, we would not be where we are today.

The story of Fiete and Fanny impressively illustrates the versatility of a Belgian Shepherd Dog. Their successful combination of therapy work and demanding IGP sport shows that dogs like Fiete can shine in various areas. We are excited about further developments and look forward to reports about Fiete's training as a therapy dog.

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