In the second part of this interview, Horst-Dieter Träger talks about the special characteristics and abilities of sniffer dogs, their breeding and training, as well as the challenges and perspectives in the fight against drug smuggling.
K9andSports: What specific characteristics and abilities make dogs effective sniffer dogs, particularly with regard to their use in ports and sea freight container inspection?
The dogs need a strong prey drive and a great willingness to find things. It is also very important to have a very good nervous condition. It is particularly important to walk safely on moving and smooth surfaces and to be insensitive to noise.
K9andSports: To what extent is the selective breeding and selection of dogs for specific tasks, such as drug detection, important in improving their effectiveness and reliability?
Das ist auch ein Thema bei K9andSports. Die Zuchtverbände sollten einige Überprüfungen von Zuchttieren anders gestalten. Wir bekommen oft Hunde angeboten, die sich auf dem „grünen Rasen“ super präsentieren, aber auf anderen Untergründen zeigen sie sich plötzlich unsicher und das Triebverhalten ist deutlich eingeschränkt oder gar nicht mehr vorhanden. Viele Züchter sollten sich nicht nur an den sportlichen Leistungen auf dem Sportplatz/im Wettkampf orientieren ;-). Eine gute Nervenverfassung in anderen Situationen sollte auch in Betracht gezogen werden.
K9andSports: Which breeds or lines of dogs are particularly suitable for working as sniffer dogs?
When it comes to sniffer dogs, we are not tied to breeds. Dogs that meet the requirements described above and are naturally healthy are purchased.
K9andSports: How can breeders and trainers ensure that the detection dogs not only have the necessary skills, but also stable health and a balanced temperament?
This is only possible through a targeted and adapted examination of the required skills of the breeding animals. The breeding associations are required here.
K9andSports: Can you explain to us in more detail how important the private breeding of working dogs is to your work and to what extent you rely on these breeders and their animals to carry out your tasks effectively?
Private breeders are extremely important for the working dogs required by the authorities. These breeders are subject to strict regulations from their associations, which increases the likelihood of getting a healthy and usable dog from this breed. Alternatively, we would have to resort to dealers, where we often do not know the conditions under which the animals were raised. We would then also possibly promote “animal reproduction” under questionable conditions.
K9andSports: Are there any specific programs or initiatives aimed at promoting the breeding and training of sniffer dogs and increasing the availability of highly trained dogs for use in drug smuggling?
I'm not aware of any programs yet. Among other things, K9andspots has set itself the goal of intensifying contact with the authorities, which has already been achieved. This initiative gives the authorities the opportunity to explain their ideas about the dispositions of the working dogs required. The working dog associations can then possibly breed this type of dog or get closer to it in terms of breeding through changed breeding tests.
K9andSports: What long-term prospects and challenges do you see for the role of sniffer dogs in the fight against drug smuggling, and how can dog breeding help address these challenges?
I currently see the biggest challenge as convincing politicians and the public that without the breeding of working dogs, the authorities (police, armed forces, federal police and customs) can no longer carry out their tasks fully or not at all, especially in the fight against drugs.