4. Oct. 2023

We set out with the goal of collaborating across associations, breeds, and countries. Additionally, our aim is to revive cooperation between dog sport enthusiasts, breeders, and authorities holding service dogs in as many countries as possible. And in just half a year, we believe we have achieved a lot. 

  • Collaboration with authorities: In May 2023, we were invited to the working group of authorities holding service dogs. There, we presented the concept of K9andSports and our ideas on how authorities and associations can support each other. Later in the summer, we learned that there is also great interest from the authorities in cooperating. A representative of the working group will be sent to our existing working groups. At our first major event in October, dedicated to the preservation of operational and healthy working dogs, representatives from the working group will be present. 
  • First cross-breed and cross-association event: Derzeit stecken wir mitten in der Vorbereitung unserer ersten großen Veranstaltung für den Gebrauchshund. Ziel ist es, Verbands- und Rasseübergreifend festzulegen, welche Verhaltensweisen ein einsatzfähiger Gebrauchshund heute haben muss und wie eine entsprechende Selektion für die Zucht erfolgen kann. Das wollen wir GEMEINSAM in Theorie und Praxis erarbeiten. Als ersten riesigen Erfolg werten wir, dass sämtliche eingeladenen Rassevereine (Gebrauchshunde) sowie die Sportverbände Vertreter entsenden (SV, Hovawart, Boxer, Dobermann, Malinois-DMC und RV 2000, Herder, Riesenschnauzer). Vertreten sein wird die Bundeswehr mit der Kommandeurin der Diensthundeschule, der Arbeitskreis der diensthundehaltenden Behörden sowie der Bundeszoll. Einen solchen Zusammenschluss, eine solche Bandbreite an Akteuren, die sich an „einen Tisch setzt“ hat es jedenfalls in den letzten Jahrzehnten nicht gegeben.
  • Youngstars: Until today, we have been able to provide 170 young people from various countries with the opportunity to attend high-quality seminars free of charge. These seminars have covered topics such as IGP and Mondioring training, detection dog training, decoy coaching, and even physiotherapy for dogs. Although the concept is often criticized, no one else will be able to draw this balance. We will continue in the same way. Of course, the next youth camp is already in planning (youth camps in Germany and Sweden have already been very successful). A decoy camp is also on the to-do list. 
  • Ambassador : In almost all FCI countries and across all breeds, more and more ambassadors are joining the cause and working together across borders in working groups to advance various topics: Whether it's about making competitions more interesting in the future, educating the public about the purpose of the sport, promoting cohesion in dog sports, establishing dog training on a scientifically sound basis, or supporting youth; how to bring associations together: everyone is working with enthusiasm and a healthy culture of discussion.
  • Also Politics In a broader sense, our future is being shaped, and from our perspective, it is most important that associations and organizations understand and appropriately consider the interests of all stakeholders. With the Vice President of the VDH (Christa Bremer), the Vice President of the SV (Daniele Strazzeri), board members from the DMC, and representatives from authorities, an exchange is already taking place that is unprecedented. As long as discussions have largely taken place only within associations and within commissions, the interests of too many stakeholders have been lost. We are convinced that we are on the right path when we think big instead of small. 

Capable and Healthy Working Dogs

K9andSports is dedicated to working dog breeds. We are all about preserving the unique qualities of capable and healthy working dog breeds that can be used for what they were bred for: for tasks within the police, military and customs, in security companies and in rescue dog work.

The tasks of working dog breeds are many. However, certain qualities and characteristics are always key: a high willingness to work, strong nerves, insensitivity to noise and physical robustness as well as high drives. Regardless of whether a dog is used as a deterrent at a demonstration or to search for victims in a disaster area: in all cases it will have to continue its work for a long time dealing with a variety of environmental influences, including unpleasant and unknown ones.

One Team - All Stakeholders

The incredible skills working dogs have, didn't come out of nowhere: many players have historically been involved and still are. It is one of our goals, to bring everyone to one table and cooperate: irrespective of breed, organization or nation. 

  • Public Authorities, national and international organizations as well as private companies with K-9 programs (i.e., police, military, customs, security companies, organizations that use rescue dogs and alike)
  • Dogsport Handlers and clubs
  • Breeders
  • Breeding Kennels
  • International Orgs like FCI and FMBB


Did you know that the majority of K9s used with public authorities like Police and Military come from private hands? Some have their own and successful breeding programs (e.g., the German and the Swedish Armed Forces). But none of them can currently cover the number of K9s they need. The cost and time of such breeding programs would exceed what is possible. And where would the dogs go that turn out to not be suited for such K9 program? 

The Role and Responsibility of Working Dog Sports

Sports with Working Dogs have a historical role in breeding selection. Canine and service dogs are almost in all cases purchased from civilians and have a history of sport lines - from the IGP, KNPV, French or Belgian Ring or other related sports. Trials and breeding selections should contain and test challenges that working dogs meet when used as K-9s. One example is gun shot indifference (hereditary) which is part of sport trials and breeding selection alike. Gun shot indifference is not only important for hunting dogs but of course a very important trait of a working K-9. It is easy to understand why it is crucial that breeders have the chance to rely on a certain selection that comes with trials and breeding selection. 

Active Supporters - Registered Non-Profit Organization

Wir meinen, dass diese Gesichtspunkte in der Hundesport-Welt (im weiteren Sinne) in den letzten Jahrzehnten in den Hintergrund gerückt sind. Die Initiative K9andSports haben wir ins Leben gerufen, um GEMEINSAM die Voraussetzungen zu verbessern, die wir brauchen, damit die Gebrauchshunderassen und das Gebrauchshundewesen „gesund“ bleiben. Wir haben einen Arbeitskreis gebildet, der aus Personen besteht, die aus verschiedenen Gebrauchshundesportarten kommen, aus diensthundehaltenden Behörden, Unternehmen und Organisationen, Verbänden und Vereinen. Gleich, welche Gebrauchshunderasse oder welche Nation.

Our initiative is young - just a few months old - and we are learning by the day. Currently, we are in the process of founding a registered non-profit organization, thereby manifesting our non-profit status.

Our Topics

All our active supporters work in at least one of our six select groups:

Cooperation with Public Authorities, Organizations and Companies with K-9 Programs

It is our goal that sport trials and breeding selection tests actually reflect a test of those characteristics that are relevant for a K-9 handler. In order for this to happen, sport and K-9 world should cooperate and work together on respective regulations. We are already in conversation with respective stakeholders in various jurisdictions, including Europe, USA and South America. Our first test to action in this regard is the revision of the regulations governing the breeding selection of the German Malinois Association (DMC) which we will align with respective stakeholders.

Promotion of New Prospects: International - Youngstars - And Adults

In times at which people are moving away from nature and towards digitization, we strongly believe that dogsport, the bond with animals and time in nature should not be lost but rather supported.

Our Youngstars initiative, targeting youth up to the age of 25, is already in full force. K9andSports allocates free spots at seminars and workshops relevant for our cause; and those are many covering all working dog sports, search and rescue work, physiotherapy, helper development, police and detection dog work and more. Within a couple of months, more than 30 Youngstars attended courses in Germany, USA, Brazil, Poland, Sweden and the Czech Republic. We initiated an online course for decoys.

In 2022, a successful IGP camp with more than 160 attendees under 25 took place in Germany; K9andSports is bringing this concept to other countries. 2023 will see such Youngstars Camp in the USA and Sweden.

 We just started working on concepts to introduce adults - interested in an active life with their dogs - to many possibilities. It's our plan to work together with local clubs that are committed to modern training - offering new prospects a place to come to.

Public Relations

Die Arbeitsgruppe Öffentlichkeitsarbeit kümmert sich nicht nur um soziale Medien und unsere Website. Die Hauptaufgabe ist  eine ganz andere: wir wollen den Sport und die Arbeit mit dem Hund interessanter machen für diejenigen, die noch nicht Teil dieser „Welt“ sind. Wir arbeiten an Konzepten, die Zuschauer zu den Wettkämpfen bringen und wollen die Arbeit des Gebrauchshundes erklären: nicht den Hundesportlern und Diensthundeführern, sondern Menschen, denen diese Berührungspunkte fehlen. 

We call it "Lobbying"

Als Fürsprecher für den einsatzfähigen Gebrauchshund und den Gebrauchshundesport sprechen wir gezielt internationale Organisationen wie FCI, FMBB und WUSV an sowie nationale Zuchtverbände wie VDH, SV und DMC. Wir haben das Glück, aktive Unterstützer aus den verschiedensten Reihen und Ländern an unserer Seite zu haben, die unsere Bedürfnisse erläutern können. Wir möchten sicherstellen, dass die Interessen des Gebrauchshundes und Gebrauchshundesports hinreichend vertreten werden: wenn neue Gesetze erlassen werden, wenn Prüfungsordnungen erstellt werden. Wir beteiligen uns aktiv an „Stakeholder“ Diskussionen – sei es bei Verbänden oder der EU Kommission.

Animal Welfare and Science

The well-being of working dogs is important to us and so is animal welfare-law. Decisions must be made on the basis of scientifically proven facts and only on such basis can fruitful discussions arise. In a separate working group, we deal with the scientific status of effective and humane training methods, the inheritance of characteristics and other questions that must be answered in order to discuss them with decision-makers.

Capable and Healthy Working Dogs

K9andSports is dedicated to working dog breeds. We are all about preserving the unique qualities of capable and healthy working dog breeds that can be used for what they were bred for: for tasks within the police, military and customs, in security companies and in rescue dog work.

The tasks of working dog breeds are many. However, certain qualities and characteristics are always key: a high willingness to work, strong nerves, insensitivity to noise and physical robustness as well as high drives. Regardless of whether a dog is used as a deterrent at a demonstration or to search for victims in a disaster area: in all cases it will have to continue its work for a long time dealing with a variety of environmental influences, including unpleasant and unknown ones.

One Team - All Stakeholders

The incredible skills working dogs have, didn't come out of nowhere: many players have historically been involved and still are. It is one of our goals, to bring everyone to one table and cooperate: irrespective of breed, organization or nation. 

  • Public Authorities, national and international organizations as well as private companies with K-9 programs (i.e., police, military, customs, security companies, organizations that use rescue dogs and alike)
  • Dogsport Handlers and clubs
  • Breeders
  • Breeding Kennels
  • International Orgs like FCI and FMBB


Did you know that the majority of K9s used with public authorities like Police and Military come from private hands? Some have their own and successful breeding programs (e.g., the German and the Swedish Armed Forces). But none of them can currently cover the number of K9s they need. The cost and time of such breeding programs would exceed what is possible. And where would the dogs go that turn out to not be suited for such K9 program? 

The Role and Responsibility of Working Dog Sports

Sports with Working Dogs have a historical role in breeding selection. Canine and service dogs are almost in all cases purchased from civilians and have a history of sport lines - from the IGP, KNPV, French or Belgian Ring or other related sports. Trials and breeding selections should contain and test challenges that working dogs meet when used as K-9s. One example is gun shot indifference (hereditary) which is part of sport trials and breeding selection alike. Gun shot indifference is not only important for hunting dogs but of course a very important trait of a working K-9. It is easy to understand why it is crucial that breeders have the chance to rely on a certain selection that comes with trials and breeding selection. 

Active Supporters - Registered Non-Profit Organization

Wir meinen, dass diese Gesichtspunkte in der Hundesport-Welt (im weiteren Sinne) in den letzten Jahrzehnten in den Hintergrund gerückt sind. Die Initiative K9andSports haben wir ins Leben gerufen, um GEMEINSAM die Voraussetzungen zu verbessern, die wir brauchen, damit die Gebrauchshunderassen und das Gebrauchshundewesen „gesund“ bleiben. Wir haben einen Arbeitskreis gebildet, der aus Personen besteht, die aus verschiedenen Gebrauchshundesportarten kommen, aus diensthundehaltenden Behörden, Unternehmen und Organisationen, Verbänden und Vereinen. Gleich, welche Gebrauchshunderasse oder welche Nation.

Our initiative is young - just a few months old - and we are learning by the day. Currently, we are in the process of founding a registered non-profit organization, thereby manifesting our non-profit status.

Our Topics

All our active supporters work in at least one of our six select groups:

Cooperation with Public Authorities, Organizations and Companies with K-9 Programs

It is our goal that sport trials and breeding selection tests actually reflect a test of those characteristics that are relevant for a K-9 handler. In order for this to happen, sport and K-9 world should cooperate and work together on respective regulations. We are already in conversation with respective stakeholders in various jurisdictions, including Europe, USA and South America. Our first test to action in this regard is the revision of the regulations governing the breeding selection of the German Malinois Association (DMC) which we will align with respective stakeholders.

Promotion of New Prospects: International - Youngstars - And Adults

In times at which people are moving away from nature and towards digitization, we strongly believe that dogsport, the bond with animals and time in nature should not be lost but rather supported.

Our Youngstars initiative, targeting youth up to the age of 25, is already in full force. K9andSports allocates free spots at seminars and workshops relevant for our cause; and those are many covering all working dog sports, search and rescue work, physiotherapy, helper development, police and detection dog work and more. Within a couple of months, more than 30 Youngstars attended courses in Germany, USA, Brazil, Poland, Sweden and the Czech Republic. We initiated an online course for decoys.

In 2022, a successful IGP camp with more than 160 attendees under 25 took place in Germany; K9andSports is bringing this concept to other countries. 2023 will see such Youngstars Camp in the USA and Sweden.

 We just started working on concepts to introduce adults - interested in an active life with their dogs - to many possibilities. It's our plan to work together with local clubs that are committed to modern training - offering new prospects a place to come to.

Public Relations

Die Arbeitsgruppe Öffentlichkeitsarbeit kümmert sich nicht nur um soziale Medien und unsere Website. Die Hauptaufgabe ist  eine ganz andere: wir wollen den Sport und die Arbeit mit dem Hund interessanter machen für diejenigen, die noch nicht Teil dieser „Welt“ sind. Wir arbeiten an Konzepten, die Zuschauer zu den Wettkämpfen bringen und wollen die Arbeit des Gebrauchshundes erklären: nicht den Hundesportlern und Diensthundeführern, sondern Menschen, denen diese Berührungspunkte fehlen. 

We call it "Lobbying"

Als Fürsprecher für den einsatzfähigen Gebrauchshund und den Gebrauchshundesport sprechen wir gezielt internationale Organisationen wie FCI, FMBB und WUSV an sowie nationale Zuchtverbände wie VDH, SV und DMC. Wir haben das Glück, aktive Unterstützer aus den verschiedensten Reihen und Ländern an unserer Seite zu haben, die unsere Bedürfnisse erläutern können. Wir möchten sicherstellen, dass die Interessen des Gebrauchshundes und Gebrauchshundesports hinreichend vertreten werden: wenn neue Gesetze erlassen werden, wenn Prüfungsordnungen erstellt werden. Wir beteiligen uns aktiv an „Stakeholder“ Diskussionen – sei es bei Verbänden oder der EU Kommission.

Animal Welfare and Science

The well-being of working dogs is important to us and so is animal welfare-law. Decisions must be made on the basis of scientifically proven facts and only on such basis can fruitful discussions arise. In a separate working group, we deal with the scientific status of effective and humane training methods, the inheritance of characteristics and other questions that must be answered in order to discuss them with decision-makers.

What can YOU do?

The easiest way to help us is to sign this initiative and collect votes. Please talk to your friends, other club members, and training team: anyone who is enthusiastic about working dogs and who pursue our interests and goals should sign this initiative. Why? Because with our joined voices we draw attention and make a point as to how many people have the same interests, concerns and goals. Your signatures have already led to various organizations actively pursuing conversations with us, trainers have offered us seminar spots for Youngstars .. let's grow this community and show the world how strong it is: #OneVoiceforWorkingdogs 

You want to get involved more actively? You are offering a seminar and want to share a spot with Youngstars? You have ideas we have not thought of? Contact us and let us know!
