Workshop obedience and protection service in Como-Albiolo (IT) on March 26th and 26th, 2023

Laszlo Nemeth, Albertor Vercellini and Allesandro Usai

The participation fee for the seminar “Obedience and Protection Service” on March 25th and 26th, 2023 in Como, Italy is free of charge for a participant under 25 years of age. These participants are known as IGP Youngstars.

We would like to encourage young and talented young dog handlers to take part in this seminar and benefit from the expertise of the experienced trainers and experts.

We hope that through this initiative we can support the IGP Youngstars in developing their potential and improving their skills in the area of protection training.

Schutzdienst Workshop am 21.03.2023 in Prag

Schutzdienst und Unterordnung im Schutzdienst Workshop speziell für junge Helfer mit Jany Böhm.
IGP Youngstars: 1 Platz mit Hund und 3 Plätze für Zuschauer kostenlos.
