Who walks down the street with a protection sleeve? - Dr. Esther Schalke

Dr. Feddersen-Petersen once said the following: 'As a criterion for breeding selection, I consider today's 'protection work' (strictly conducted in a playful manner according to the examination regulations) to be indispensable.' For example, I consider the DMC approval to be much more meaningful.
Roswitha Dannenberg, SV–Präsidentin: „Die derzeitige Situation und das Infrage stellen dieser sportlichen Disziplin zeigt, dass wir mehr denn je erklären müssen.“

Our dogsport is much more than only Protection. But Protection is an important part of our IGP-Sport and our SV Körungen (breeding selection tests).
And it will stay that way!
Simone Stroh, Botschafterin und Tierärztin: „Die Ausbildung im Schutzdienst hat viele Vorteile für Mensch und Hund und sollte nicht aufgrund einzelner Ausnahmen generalisiert verboten werden.“

Dogs that are trained in IGP Protection bring a lot of positive traits to the table.
1. They are balanced and both mentally and from a physical perspective stable. They get to work according to their breed characteristics ...
Ralf Meins, Polizeibeamter aus Hamburg: „Eine Stimme gegen Gebrauchshunde ist auch immer eine Stimme gegen die diensthundhaltenden Behörden.“

Hamburg is a city with 1.8 Million inhabitants - and not all of them handle things peacefully. I have numerous stories of days at duty which were not at all pleasant.
It is common that you need to solve conflict situations as an Officer. And what I learned is that only the presence of K9s often deescalate by their mere presence.
Sicherheit Nord, Sicherheitsfirma der Bundeswehr: „Wir unterstützen die genannten Gebrauchshundesportarten deshalb, weil dies die Grundlage einer funktionierenden Zucht bildet.“

We emphasize that all dogs are trained in a modern and animal welfare-compliant manner. To make this possible, it is essential for the legislator to differentiate between pure family companion dogs and those that fulfill an
additional role in society.
Astrid Kalff, Rettungshundeführerin mit zahlreichen Echteinsätzen, u.a. Türkei 2023: „Die IGP-Arbeit ist aus unserer Sicht sehr förderlich für die Rettungshundearbeit,…“

We endorse the parallel training in search and rescue dog work and
and IGP because the fundamental structure, with regard
with regard to 'drive resilience' (resilience of behavior), tractability, and
resilience forms a solid foundation
for search and rescue dog work.
Daniele Strazzeri, Vizepräsident SV: „Das ist kein Hundesport, in dem wir die Hunde aggressiv machen.“

In IGP competitions and tests, we select for breeding.
For agencies with service dogs, it is crucial that dogs are bred to be useful
that dogs are bred to be useful for them; to
come into service as protection dogs, as detection dogs for
drugs, or as search and rescue dogs for missing persons.
Trisha Harper, TSA Sicherheitsspezialistin, Heimatschutzministerium USA: „Wenn wir IGP oder verwandte Sportarten abschaffen, erweisen wir den Diensthundeführern einen Bärendienst!“

The working dog sports have all originated with the goal
of evaluating the quality of breeding for
future service dogs.
If we were to lose even one of them,
we would be doing a disservice to the K9 handlers.
Who walks down the street with a protection sleeve? - Dr. Esther Schalke

Dr. Feddersen-Petersen once said the following: 'As a criterion for breeding selection, I consider today's 'protection work' (strictly conducted in a playful manner according to the examination regulations) to be indispensable.' For example, I consider the DMC approval to be much more meaningful.
Adi Hazut, Diensthundeführer a.D., Israel Defense Forces: „Wenn wir den Hundesport verlieren, werden Polizei und Militär weltweit große Einbußen haben!“

Adi Hazut, Diensthundeführer a.D., Israel Defense Forces: „Die Hunde, die an unserer Seite gegen Terrorismus kämpfen, kommen aus der Welt des Hundesportes.“
Dobermann Verein e.V.: ...a clear YES to the preservation and promotion of the IGP working dog sport!

The working dog sport originated from police dog sports, and for good reason.
Advancements in training, ensuring the preservation of a usable...
Dr. Marianne Fischer, Tierärztin: „Unsere Gebrauchshunde sind wichtig für unsere Gesellschaft.“

That we need protection dog sports to maintain high-quality dogs for our agencies with service dogs for rescue, search, and protection is undisputed. However, even in private and everyday life, we can only benefit from the nerve strength and environmental security of our dogs.
VIKA BEZUS, Ukrainische Nationalgarde, Züchterin: „Unsere Gebrauchshunde sind wichtig für unsere Gesellschaft.“

Our working dogs are important for our society. Dog sports ensure that there are enough well-trained dogs available.
I am not sure if everyone realizes that there is a connection between sports and service:
Sports test the nerves; we see if our dog is still under control and cooperates with the handler over a long distance. In the context of IGP tests, we determine if our dogs are ready for deployment.
At some point, the lives of people depend on it!
Richterin K. Heldt: „Die Verfahren um Hundehalter vor Gericht betreffen Misshandlungen von normalen Haushunden …“

From my experience as a criminal judge, I cannot confirm an increase in violations of animal protection laws associated with the topic of protection dog sports. The cases on my desk involving dog owners primarily deal with, in some cases, severe abuse of regular household dogs. These owners have acted out of overwhelm, ignorance, or outright cruelty.
Doctoral Thesis: Bite Incidents in Numbers: Sport Dogs Don't Bite!

We need the selection of working dogs for multiple reasons: firstly, as a foundation for service use in various authorities. Equally important is the fulfillment of our working dogs, which live in families, ensuring they are appropriately challenged and engaged.
K.-J. Glüh, Vizepräsident FCI Gebrauchshundekommission: „es ist unverständlich, dass unser Sport in Frage gestellt wird!“

As the Vice President of the International Working Dog Commission of the FCI, I have been advocating for quality in dog training for years. The primary goal is the control and humane treatment of dogs. Therefore, I find it incomprehensible that our sport is being questioned, especially considering that bite incidents overwhelmingly occur with dogs owned by non-affiliated individuals.
Vizepräsidentin VDH Christa Bremer: „Es ist 5 vor 12. Wir brauchen die Selektion der Gebrauchshunde!“

We need the selection of working dogs for multiple reasons: firstly, as a foundation for service use in various authorities. Equally important is the fulfillment of our working dogs, which live in families, ensuring they are appropriately challenged and engaged.