Who walks down the street with a protection sleeve? - Dr. Esther Schalke

Dr. Feddersen-Petersen once said the following: 'As a criterion for breeding selection, I consider today's 'protection work' (strictly conducted in a playful manner according to the examination regulations) to be indispensable.' For example, I consider the DMC approval to be much more meaningful.
Doctoral Thesis: Bite Incidents in Numbers: Sport Dogs Don't Bite!

We need the selection of working dogs for multiple reasons: firstly, as a foundation for service use in various authorities. Equally important is the fulfillment of our working dogs, which live in families, ensuring they are appropriately challenged and engaged.
Vizepräsidentin VDH Christa Bremer: „Es ist 5 vor 12. Wir brauchen die Selektion der Gebrauchshunde!“

We need the selection of working dogs for multiple reasons: firstly, as a foundation for service use in various authorities. Equally important is the fulfillment of our working dogs, which live in families, ensuring they are appropriately challenged and engaged.
Tracking Secrets for you by K9 Ambassador Stefan Mueller

Yes, in my opinion, the most suitable dog for tracking comes from the working dog area, the German Shepherd, because you often see a very good predisposition for nose work, combined with calmness, not quite as hectic. The Malinois can also search well but often tends to be hectic in response to certain intense environmental stimuli.
Only 15 and already a competitor at the German Championship for German Sheppards. How that can work? Lucas-Pascal Girschek will tell you!

I love all three disciplines. However, Protection is my favorite. It is all action and you still have to be able to keep your dog under control: and they are at the peak of their drive. This is a real challenge.
Science, Breeding and Dogsport: an Interview with Erin O'Shea

The stick hit is used to assess the qualities of a working dog. Without a physical component, the characteristics of a working dog cannot be fully evaluated. A good service dog for police and military must be able to withstand physical pressure, and that is exactly what we have checked with the stick hit.
Horst-Dieter Träger: SV Judge and Trainer at German Customs on picking a good dog, breeding selection and what he loves to see when judging

First of all, German Shepherds and Malinois differ significantly. While the same training may work to some extent for both breeds,...
Interview with Mark Saccoccio and Hector

First of all, German Shepherds and Malinois differ significantly. While the same training may work to some extent for both breeds,...
Vika Bezus, Ukraine: Only thanks to my dogs am I still alive!

Unsere Gebrauchshunde spielen eine wichtige Rolle in unserer Gesellschaft. Der Hundesport gewährleistet, dass überhaupt genug gute Hunde zur Verfügung stehen. Wer sollte das besser wissen als Vika Bezus, Diensthundeführerin der ukrainischen Nationalgarde, Züchterin für das Militär und Hundesportlerin. Es war ein ergreifender Moment für die IGP Community, als Vika – verdientermaßen – den Weltmeistertitel bei […]