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David Bieber

The Working Dog as a School Dog

Working dog and school dog - a contradiction? Many people can hardly imagine that high-performance dogs from IGP sports also play a valuable role in the classroom. But this is exactly where the "The Working Dog as a School Dog" project comes in: It shows how German Shepherds can support not only in sports or service, but also in everyday school life with their calm charisma and strong bond with people. From September 2025, a unique project seminar for high school students will start - with practical examples, expert knowledge and the aim of breaking down prejudices.

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David Bieber

German Shepherd Dog: Why Protection Service is Indispensable

The aggressive behavior of dogs is often viewed critically - but it plays an important role in social interaction. The behavioral biologist Dr. Dorit Urd Feddersen-Petersen has studied the social behavior of various dog breeds and comes to a clear conclusion: the breeding of the German Shepherd Dog seems to be going in the right direction. A decisive factor here is the protection service - if carried out correctly, it is indispensable for the breed.

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David Bieber

From successful entrepreneur to dedicated dog sportsman: Interview with Tayfun Ledin

In the interview, Tayfun talks about his first experiences with dogs, how he became fascinated with dog sports and how he became a sponsor of K9-and-Sports through the support of the dog sports community. He also gives us insights into his views on the Doberman's strong nerves. He shares his vision for the future of dog sports and why it is important to him to preserve and pass on this tradition. His commitment shows that he strives not only professionally but also personally to create lasting connections - be it between people and brands or between people and dogs.

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David Bieber

Calling all veterinarians, biologists, zoologists & students!

We at “K9 and Sports” are committed to putting working dog sports in the right light. We are looking for committed scientists
for exciting dissertation topics relating to sporting dogs.

What we offer:

Financial support (e.g. laboratory costs)
An extensive network & collaborations
Access to huge amounts of data & volunteer test subjects

Interest? Write to Simon Bach or Patricia Pehrsson on Facebook or send us a direct pm or email:

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David Bieber

Dental health in dogs (Part 2): Dental caps and their possible uses

Dental caps for dogs - useful or dangerous? They are becoming increasingly popular in the world of dog sports, but experts warn: Dental caps can increase the risk of fractures and dental diseases. In an interview, Dr. Martin Florian Buck explains why dental caps do more harm than good, what risks they pose and when professional dental crowning is actually necessary. Find out why aesthetics can be dangerous in this case and what alternatives there are to keep your dog's teeth healthy!

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David Bieber

Dental health in dogs (Part 1): Important tips for sports and everyday companions

Dogs rarely show toothache, but untreated dental problems can have serious consequences for their health and performance. Find out in our interview how you can recognize dental diseases in your dog early, which preventive measures really help and why regular check-ups with your veterinary dentist are so important. Don't miss these valuable tips for a healthy dog ​​life!

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David Bieber

An Interview with Klaus-Jürgen Glüh (Vice President of the FCI Utility Dogs Commission)

The new International Utility Dogs Regulations have been adopted and will take effect from January 1, 2025: What changes do you need to be aware of, and how and why were the adjustments made? We had the opportunity to ask all our questions to our K9andSports ambassador Klaus-Jürgen Glüh, who is, among other roles, Vice President of the FCI Utility Dogs Commission and a member of the VDH Utility Dogs Commission.

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David Bieber

An interview with Mirko Ritter from Herm. Sprenger GmbH

Sprenger and K9andSports share a passion for working dog sports and work together to promote its acceptance in society. As a leading manufacturer of dog necklaces, Sprenger relies on the highest quality and product safety to optimally support athletes. Through their sponsorship, they not only want to further develop their products, but also actively shape the future of dog sports.

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David Bieber

Innovative method for detecting drugs in containers: Horst-Dieter Träger brings a breath of fresh air to customs work

Horst-Dieter Träger, a retired, experienced dog handler from customs in Bremerhaven and K9 ambassador, has made a name for himself as an innovative problem solver. With his combination of expertise in the field of detection dogs and his passion for technical innovations, he has developed a new method for drug detection. This method makes it possible to detect drugs in shipping containers more efficiently and quickly. We took this as an opportunity and conducted a two-part interview with him. In the first part you will find out more about the search method he developed.

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David Bieber

The dream of dog sports

During a conversation with Eileen Brendel, we gain exciting insights into her first steps in dog sports. After successfully mastering her first obedience test with her Hovawart dog Milla, she reflects on her beginnings, challenges and passion for this sport. Eileen shares her motivation as a youth ambassador at K9 and Sports and encourages young people to actively participate in this exciting world.

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David Bieber

Hubert Aiwanger praises the young talent at the SV youth and junior championship in Dingolfing

The SV youth and junior championship took place in Dingolfing at the weekend, where young participants showed their skills in dealing with German Shepherd dogs. Hubert Aiwanger, who attended the event, emphasized the importance of offspring and practical animal protection in his speech. He criticized the animal welfare regulations that were often issued by people with little experience and argued that politicians and theorists should not interfere in the breeding goals. The event not only offered exciting competitions, but also an opportunity to celebrate the next generation of German Shepherd handlers.

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David Bieber

No alternative to a detection dog!

Horst-Dieter Träger ist Botschafter für „K9andSports“ und war vor seiner Pensionierung Zollhundeführer und -trainer. Er spricht über seinen Dienst mit dem Hund und die Anforderungen an den Vierbeiner.

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David Bieber

Heat stroke in dogs: risk factors, symptoms and first aid measures

Summer is just around the corner and by now everyone has probably realized that overheating is a major danger for dogs. But what about the differences between dog breeds? What to do if a dog overheats? And what factors increase the risk of overheating? You can find out all this and more in our article.

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David Bieber

Insight into Dog Breeding: Health, Temperament, and Selection - An Interview with Astrid Hübner (Part 1)

Im Interview mit K9andSports teilt Astrid Hübner, Gründerin des Projekts „Malinois Diversity“, ihre Erfahrungen und Einsichten in die Hundezucht. Sie beschreibt ihren Werdegang und beleuchtet die Bedeutung von Gesundheitstests für Zuchthunde. Darüber hinaus diskutiert sie verschiedene Aspekte der Zuchtauswahl, einschließlich Wesensmerkmalen und Umweltverhalten, sowie die Herausforderungen bei der Selektion für verschiedene Hundesportarten.

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David Bieber

Statement on Ban of Working Dog Sports in Austria

In this letter, we address the pressing issue of the impending ban on working dog sports in Austria. As an organization deeply committed to the preservation of capable and healthy working dogs, we aim to present our concerns and arguments against this ban. Within this correspondence, we shed light on the diverse roles that working dogs play in society and illustrate the potential adverse effects of such a prohibition. We invite you to delve into our arguments and engage with this crucial issue.

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David Bieber

An Interview with Florian Knabl

A strong work ethic, resilience, and noise tolerance – that
are just a few traits of working dogs. The initiative K9and
Sports advocates for working dog breeds. Their goal is to preserve the
exceptional qualities of service dogs used in roles such as police, military, or
Customs, explained by organizer Florian Knabl.

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David Bieber

Versatile School Therapy Dogs: A Teacher, Her Four-Legged Colleagues, and Their Passion for IGP Sport.

Lena, a primary school teacher from the Palatinate region. Her dogs Anni (Border Collie, 7 years old) and Saru (Malinois, 3 years old) are school and riding companion dogs, as well as active in IGP sports. They have undergone extensive training, are calm in their interactions with children, and have experience in the film industry. We critically question the working dog sport and emphasize responsible training.

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David Bieber

Tetanus: Rare, but Dangerous!

Tetanus, also known as lockjaw, is a rare but potentially deadly bacterial infection that affects the nervous system. Caused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani, the disease often occurs through simple injuries such as puncture wounds or cuts. Timely treatment is crucial as tetanus can be life-threatening.

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Florian Knabl

K-9 Handler Hannah Introduces Herself!

We need the selection of working dogs for multiple reasons: firstly, as a foundation for service use in various authorities. Equally important is the fulfillment of our working dogs, which live in families, ensuring they are appropriately challenged and engaged.

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Stefan Mueller mit Friedel beim Fährten
Patricia Pehrsson

Tracking Secrets for you by K9 Ambassador Stefan Mueller

Yes, in my opinion, the most suitable dog for tracking comes from the working dog area, the German Shepherd, because you often see a very good predisposition for nose work, combined with calmness, not quite as hectic. The Malinois can also search well but often tends to be hectic in response to certain intense environmental stimuli.

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Patricia Pehrsson

Science, Breeding and Dogsport: an Interview with Erin O'Shea

The stick hit is used to assess the qualities of a working dog. Without a physical component, the characteristics of a working dog cannot be fully evaluated. A good service dog for police and military must be able to withstand physical pressure, and that is exactly what we have checked with the stick hit.

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Daniel Stüwe

Interview with Markus Nier, service dog handler at JVA Chemnitz

Interview with Markus Nier, K9 handler at the JVA Chemnitz (Justice Saxony). He currently works with his Malinois dog, Bamberger Biene Occultatum Libera, as a data carrier detection dog, and an X-Breed as a narcotics detection dog. He provides us with insights into K9 work within the judicial system.

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Daniel Stüwe

Interview with Eric Lapointe (FR)

K9 and sports freut sich sehr, ein Interview mit Eric Lapointe, dem Vize IGP FCI Weltmeister und aktuellen Sieger der französischen nationalen Meisterschaft geführt zu haben. „La Nationale“ in Bréchaumont war ein tolles Erlebnis und wir möchten uns bei Eric und seinem Team für ihre Gastfreundschaft und einen spannenden Tag bedanken. Erics Leidenschaft für den Sport und seine Hingabe zu seinen Hunden sind wirklich inspirierend und wir sind dankbar für die Einblicke, die er während des Interviews mit uns geteilt hat.

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Trisha Harper
Florian Knabl

Statement von Trish Harper, Homeland Security, USA

We as working K9 administrators and handlers live and die based on the ability of the working dog breeding community to correctly assess the character, resilience and health of breeding stock. Dogsport are the most effective way to assess the qualities of these dogs...

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